
Origine  de ma Jeep
gpw Ford 1944


Voici ce que j'ai découvert en sablant ma caisse

            Je recherche des infos sur ce logo sachant déjà que son origine est un régiment du génie

mais lequel ???


Cliquez sur la photo pour la voir en plus grand


Voici quelques infos reçu par mail & sur le super forum Jeep M@g


j'ai trouvé le logo en fouillant sur le net
cet organisme mili US se nomme l'I A G S ou l'InterAmérica Géodétic Survey , il y a l'historique sur le site en voila quelque extrais en anglais
 The Inter American Geodetic Survey was initially started in 1946 and signed into law in 1947 by President Harry  S.Truman. The basic concept was to assist the Latin American countries from Mexico in North America to Central American ,South American and the Caribbean countries of Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic to develop their mapping agencies. The initial phase was to establish the geodetic surveys that were needed in building the base for the maps that were to be made in the future. Many young engineers and military aviators and support personnel were involved in this initial phase.


Amicalement André